Swimmin' in light...

Holiday has been fun, but I'm ready to come home. Since T&S left it has been rather mellow. The weather is atrocious and there's not much to do here except lie in my attic room listening to music and thinking of all the exciting things I'm going to do when I get back (eat cereal, buy clothing, watch movies, play badminton, see people, go out, start my new job, stick things on my wall, enrol on a course, or something...)
Next year is going to be good. Not because anything especially good is planned, but simply because I have decided it's going to be. I'm going to fucking make sure it is. I have learned alot of things this summer, cliched and unsophisticated as it sounds:
- The less you rely on your parents the better.
- The more you go out the better.
- Most people in the world of work are trying to screw you over as much as they can.
- There are ways to get by without much money, the best ones are: cycle instead of getting a bus, steal things from work, live off pasta and baked beans, exploit buy one get one free offers, hang out with rich people (or people with rich parents).
- There are ways to get by without much sleep, the best ones are: actually there aren't. Pro Plus messes your life up. Avoid it at all costs. Phone in sick.
People of the earth, you're not cool: you eat hamburgers and go to school!
With that, goodbye. x