Bleeding shields and broken glass

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I don't know why there're been such an uproar about Dizzee Rascal appearing on Newsnight, I actually think he made some valid points.


At 11:38 am, Blogger suburbanslice said...

If you believe you can achieve init.

At 11:45 am, Blogger suburbanslice said...

Nuff tapping into tings.

At 7:37 pm, Blogger woodscolt said...

He's pretty cool. I particularly like Jeremy Paxman calling him 'Mr Rascal'.

At 12:23 am, Blogger weierstrass said...


Like the positive influences of hiphop music, the fact that political parties are completely irrelevant to politics, and that Obama's victory is only a symbolic step forward - change happens when the whole of society moves forward.
And that Obama is mixed race rather than 'black' which noone ever seems to mention and which is important; because people of mixed race experience different forms of racism, and because of the white supremacist/black supremacist taboo on race-mixing.

Meanwhile Baroness Amos talks completely banal drivel about 'tapping into the collective psyche' and 'questioning what Britishness is', what ever either of those mean, and Jeremy Paxman laughs at Dizzee's serious answers and asks him if he is British!

Can you imagine him asking Baroness Amos if she is British, or an ethnic minority businessman/MP/chief constable?



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