Bleeding shields and broken glass: May 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

poisoned darts of pleasure

Nozawa Chikucho says:
I have many a trouser waiting their for thee
Nozawa Chikucho says:
Nozawa Chikucho says:
does the word queats mean anything to you
Nozawa Chikucho says:
or perhaps muldoon?

can anyone translate the above dialogue??
and now for a joke from katrina: what's green and red??........ a jumper!!

i arrived home at 7.30 to find my whole family completely inebriated and three and a half empty bottles were on the table. on a wednesday night! what the fuck was that about?! everyone was completely pissed! crazy crazy crazy!
then i avoided doing revision for a few hours.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


michael gave me an exclusive lucky pine cone today. then theo whacked it and loads of earwigs jumped out. sacred earwigs with nippers! tim murdered one of them but i rescued the rest. they will probably start a happy happy corner earwig family together.

nor doth this wood lack worlds of company
for you in my respect are all the world

i'm feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this evening. because i have no exams until friday. because out of the three exams i have taken so far only one of them has been a total failure. because i am talking to ben about existentialism. because i can have a lie in tomorrow. because i made friends with some earwigs. because tascha gave me 20p. because on sunday i will be able to go surfing. because i am wearing my winter coat in may and it is warm and cosy. because i had a chocolate brownie for breakfast and chips for lunch. and cocacola.

in the french exam i wrote "I'LL DO GRAFFITTI IF YOU sing to me in FRENCH" on the table. it was strangely soothing.

"they were fit, and the cave girl outfits really worked on me!" <---- please tell me i did NOT just hear michael jones say this....
ah michael, i think we should make it our mission to make eurovision cool again!! no, really i mean like properly cool! indeed! yes, yes, yes!

*moving swiftly on*...
there are lots on "gangsta'" type people hanging out outside the internet cafe.
click here for philip bloomfield's brother's eurovision obsession!

this is SUCH a rrrrrrandom entry!
goodnight, goodnight.

p.s. what's pink and fluffy? pink fluff!

a moment of frenzy

wow! a man is being attacked by a dog directly outside the internet cafe!
must dash!

Friday, May 20, 2005

i've lost my vision, i've lost my hope

my dad made me fried eggs on toast this morning, but i couldn't eat it. it was the most horrible thing ever. my dad never maks me breakfast, ever ever ever. i wish i had an apetite. why aren't i hungry any more?! yesterday i had to force myself to eat my dinner. i want to eat but i fucking can't! what is happening to me???

so far this morning i had a shower, listened to arctic monkeys, revised for maths, went to buy lined paper and semi skimmed milk, revised a bit more, then checked my emails. ok, not hugely productive, but plenty of revision going on as well. it's very lonely here at home, but i think i needed some time to think. and revise. and avoid giing in physics practical writeups.

i have money though at least. babysat for enfys, iolo and arwell yesterday. i reckon their parents were slightly pissed when they got back because they gave me £17 for two hours... slightly excessive but like i would complain. considering buying maximo park, but i'm not sure about it. perhaps i need to save some money... crazy crazy crazy. i hate exams. i like food. i can't eat.

I CAN'T SLEEP.... i can't sleep, i can't dreeeam. this is a lie. i slept beautifully last night. lay in until 10am. it was the best.
we've been walking. into. the furniture.

just HUGELY freaked myself out by googling my loss of apetite. apparently i could have:
-teeth and gum problems (??)
-depression and anxiety (probably most likely. but yesterday i wasn't depressed...)
-infectious diseases such as mononucleosis or hepatitis
-cancer or AIDs

oh lovely. just what i need right now. i am advised to drink milk and avoid fish and cauliflower. hahaha like i was tempted by THOSE.

"Seek medical evaluation if a loss of appetite is affecting your weight or nutrition intake. If it is unexplained and lasts longer than a week, it could be a sign of a more serious problem."

it's only been five days. perhaps i'm alright.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

the only thing we have in common any more is that we both wear safety pins in our ears

hello again. the patchwork girl has come to cinch the deal.
i don't have time to say all the marvellous things that i want to say. nor do i have interesting philosophical anecdotes on jelly. nor cryptic poems about love n life. but yes. i am here. evening all. no on is online. i am hoping this is not because everyone is busy revising. on the contrary, it is clearly because evrybody is watching the documentary on pete doherty, my darling libertine. and drinking gin in teacups obviously. i found this poem that i wrote when i was 14. it said "you stole my heart and ripped my shoes". (the rest was kind of shite. i might re write it. i'm not convinced that "stir my camomile tea, baby" is that reflective any more. damn. then there was something about "scuffed trainers and frozen shadows". hahaha not quite pete doherty as of yet.)
i also found this fantastic charlie brown cartoon. the girl with the curly hair says "the world is filled with trouble! I DEMAND TO SEE THE HEAD BEAGLE!" then she approaches snoopy and returns miserable saying "the head beagle is not seeing anyone today". damn, this cartoon is so much better when it's not described the long winded way by some crazy hysterical redhead who should be revising.
i've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrell of a gun.
oh that your frowns could teach my smiles such skill!
crazy, crazy frowning references.
cashing, burning. i'm very very fucked up at the moment.
everybody send comments.
(a few too many kisses there. sorry.)

Sunday, May 08, 2005


is anyone actually reading this blog any more??

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

pete drinking apple tango

wow, can't believe i figured out this phot thing - go me... isn't pete beautiful??
p.s. i don't actually have permission to publish this... as it isn't mine. damn. don't steal and perpetrate s.v.p.

wait. they don't love you like i love you...*****

woweeee pete was so beautiful on Sunday, but no one came, why did you not come?? you missed out.
crushed stardrops and fire. oh pete why so beautiful?
did you see the stylish
kids in the riot? shovelled up like muck, set
the night on fire, wombles bleed,
truncheons and shields,

you know i cherish you my love.

amazing amazing amazing. i am absorbed. wanted to spend £4.20 on a magazine with pete in in, but GOOD OLD KATERINA convinced me it was stupid and crazy and a fucking waste of money. ah, katrina. where would i be without you? £4.20 poorer my darling.
it’s light and sunny. misleadingly sunny. it’s bitter outside. frosty. my mother’s geraniums are crimson in the cold.
the more i love the more he hateth me! oh berengere, cure me of my broken life!
today i broke one of my many pacts and bought chips. bastard temptation. yesterday i broke the exclusive biology pact and skived the lesson. well, half the lesson then. whatever. i am past caring. today today today. becky and turtles and dolphins.
i am going to go now.
i see no one is on msn as usual *typical*... it's blatantly a conspiracy to try and make me think I'M the only sad one... ha! nice try! you're probably just blocking me and sniggering.
now i am really going to go.
farewell beautiful ones...x

scarlet spontaneity

i’m sorry, i don’t want to inflict you all. inflict. another bitter bitter word. someone kill that word please.
l’absence est à l’amour ce qu’est au feu le vent; il éteint le petit, il allume le grand.
if that was in english it would be screamingly sentimental.
in fact it is anyway. i would delete it, but i spent too long putting the accents in.
a smattering of everything and a knowledge of nothing. i’ve been reading my dictionary of quotations, as you can see.

he has gone to fish, for his aunt jobiska’s
runcible cat with crimson whiskers.

i would like some crimson whiskers please.

the grave’s a fine and private place,
but none i think do there embrace.
i love that poem. it’s kinda filthy though. especially the part about the “vegetable love growing and growing”.

i need some sleep.