relax the fraying wool
slacken ties and i'm....
very very soothed by franz ferdinand. but WTF HOLLYOAKS WAS SHIT TODAY! all the annoying irritating people that i hate were in it: jessica, olivia, zara, jo, those two small boys, reece/reese/rhys .... and oh my fucking god i know their names. disturbing thought.
eastenders was quality though, i have to say. JONNY ALLEN HAS THE EVIDENCE THAT CRISSY KILLED DEN!!
i need help....
today was possibly one of the worst school days of my life. lateness, french, too much biology, no lunch break, mr browne shouting at everyone, haven't done any homework for far too long......
although the ride home cheered me up. had an interesting conversation about michael gardiner and his tendency to claim to be people's parents with jackson. and ate TWO raspberry flapjacks. then came home, watched lots of trash on tv, ate sweet and sour chicken....
i get the feeling there are too many dots in this entry. sometimes i feel that writing in your blog sort of sucks all the academic motivation out of you, so that the more you update the less work you do and the less you want to do until everything spirals out of control and you are left with a ridiculous amount of blog entries and a ridiculous amount of work to do. but then the work is always there, regardless of how much you've updated. the alternative explanation is: i'm fucking lazy! a lot more likely somehow.
totally sickened by the whole labour thing about allowing good schools to effectively become independent, while the bad schools remain bad (well, actually i'm totally sickened by the whole labour thing full stop). surely emphasis should be taken away from "the expansion of popular schools" and towards the expansion of less popular schools in order to make them more popular. otherwise, if labour focus all their efforts on giving the best schools more rights, eventually the school divisions will deepen: the good will get better while the bad get worse, and we'll end up with a grammar school system again! perhaps they should introduce a university system where a proportional amount of pupils from each school got into the best universities (e.g. the top two in 200 got into oxbridge etc.), then the middle classes would be more enthusiastic to get their children into schools full of low achieving kids, rather than pushily migrating into the best catchment area. for once that filthy champagne socialist prescott (whose picture on wikipedia is incidentally the scariest and most pixelated one ever) is vaguely right in opposing ruth kelly, although his reasons for doing so are, as ever, a bit mangled...
while i'm rambling on about politics, i was thinking the other day how well tim's politics match my grandparents' (they're tories too) although i don't know if he likes michael portillo enough. my grandparents actually left the party when portillo didn't become leader. nowadays they watch the six o'clock news nodding feircely to general tory bollocks and saying 'that david cameron chap is quite charming, isn't he?'
bathed in ridicule...... still haven't got a costume for saturday. have considered: tintin, lucy (charlie brown), alice (in wonderland), wallace (& gromit), noodle (gorillaz), anastasia, peter pan and many more, but i don't own anything which vaguely ressembles their costume. suggestions would be good...
i'll have a slice of your mother.
p.s. two awesome websites i found on my quest for a costume: disney character gallery and wikipedia's list of one-eyed characters. (it's a shame i only have one eye, perhaps michael gardiner will fix this for me. IN BED.)