Bleeding shields and broken glass: June 2005

Sunday, June 12, 2005


it's all over.
i am a failure.
i'll give you a thousand pounds to show me how you do. it.
///stop being so LAIssez faire, we're all scared of the future...
ok. so i have no money, no credit, i'm not allowed to use the phone, and i'm not allowed any food. in fact i don't actually live in my house, i'm a mere lodger. according to my insane mother. CHeeeeerful.
i want to go to edinburgh though. very very badly. i want to demonstrate and burn the streets and sell my soul for £3.50.
peacefully of course.
farewell darlings.

Friday, June 03, 2005

feelin' nearly faded as my jeans +_+

it's juuuuune! the month of sunshine and bumble bees and bastard exams. why? why? WHY?

wow. i am home from wales. it feels good. BACK IN CIVILISATION!

it's a shame i have 6 exams to revise for and a whole script to learn over the weekend. but what the fuck, it's FFRRiiiiiiDay. yippeeeyipeeyippee.
some people have FINISHED their exams. my brother for one. he is now going to fuck around for three months, probably more. lovvely. for him, i mean. now his days consist of guardian crosswords, many bowls of cheerios and getting WASted at 5 in the afternoon. oh. what. fun.

The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips the pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And BANG BANG BANG she shoots him dead.

BANGBANG i shot youdown/youhit the ground. a smoking gun---ican GIVEYOULIFE ican TAKEITAWAY;;;;;;;;; i've seen your smile and it's like looking down the barrel of a GUN.
whoooooo a crazy mixedupmasochisticmedley.

wahey. played the fantastic ARTICULATE yesteryesteryesterday. i have to say it is pretty damn awesome.
jacksoN: it's, like, you know, like, a baby frog.
saM: a toad.
jacksoN: no, you numbskull!
[well okay then the numbskull part was added by me]

let me be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust....
woweeeeee...awesome poem.....

by far the most retarded entry so far i'd say.