Bleeding shields and broken glass: How I will blow your paradise away away away....

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How I will blow your paradise away away away....

Basquiat, Unititled 1983
Gosh I've been busy. Have been clearing out my room today; kept coming across clothes I'd never worn, letters I'd never sent, books I'd never read and heaps and heaps of old schoolwork. I've no idea what to do with it, I can't help thinking some of it might be useful/valuable some day, but in truth it's just unecessary clutter. I'm attempting to apply to university for next year as well, nice and early. According to the brand new UCAS tariff system I have 747 points which is a bit of a joke. It's a shame that a) no one uses the UCAS system, and b) the new pro-IB initiative doesn't come into effect until 2008. Damn.

Anyway I'm probably going to do some kind of politics course next year - a PPE or something similar, unless I dramatically change my mind. There are hundreds of courses roughly based around that - International Relations, Philosophy & Politics, European Politics & History etc etc etc. It's starting to bore me already, to be honest. And I haven't got round to the most exciting part of all: the personal statement! Spend 30 lines talking pretentious, ambiguous crap about yourself that 90% of universities probably won't read! Oh yes.

And then I've been trying to enrol on a course, which is proving immensely complicated. There's a reason why Floodlight is 486 pages long. My plan was to do Maths A Level and some other Art course at the same time, and maybe even GCSE German too, which I never got round to doing, but it's all proving rather ambitious and I'll probably end up spending my evenings sitting around reading the newspaper and surfing the internet and sleeping. I seriously crave some work though. Something to think about. There was certainly always something on the back of my mind during the IB, even if it was only when I was going to finish my EE and what was the best way to avoid Mr. Adcock. Seems all very far away now, those frantic days. It makes my extended summer look ever so lazy and self-indulgent.

I'm gradually getting things done, though. I've read 23 books since the exams ended. +_+


At 12:48 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

Welcome back Benjamin! I have added you to Bloglines too, so you should make your appearances in the blogging world increasingly frequent.

That's a good idea actually: use last year's statement. I know I'm applying to different courses and different unis, but with some careful editing.. hmmmmm....

And Berengere, reading isn't everything. And tbh at least 6 of those books were total trash. I normally use reading as a form of escapism rather than a way of becoming a more knowledgeable person too +_+

love etc xxxxxxxxxx

At 11:21 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

Yeah, that's some impressive reading.

Mike xxx

At 12:19 am, Blogger Sicily said...

I'm also sorry I couldn't come. Had to go to Bexleyheath for my evening class. It was good, but takes nearly 2 hours to get there...I've crammed my evenings with a whole bunch of courses, Monday-Thursday. Most of them lead to more exams. I know I'll regret this...


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