And then I'll dream of moons and horror shows...

I declare myself the second person to write about camping. It was incredible. A whole field to ourselves, food, drink and continuous merriment for three days. Although I am covered in cuts and bruises from tripping over, playing cricket and walking through forests it was worth it, I am no longer as depressed as before, and it was a marvellous break from working (despite Monday's crazy Debden-to-Wanstead commute.)
A mental woman came into the shop four times today to ask if we sold Ribena. (Ribena! In a pharmacy!) I looked on her prescription and discovered she was 96. She didn't just look bonkers and forgetful either, she looked lost and completely panic-stricken. It scares me how lonely and confusing old age can be. Later on my boss got ridiculously pissed off just because I charged someone the wrong amount on their credit card. He made me do three hours of dusting because apparently my brain "clearly isn't ready for work like this". It was not a good day. I had to leave everyone this morning at 6.30am to get back home, having had about four hours' sleep. I also feel a bit ill and sleep-deprived, unsurprising as the whole trip was pretty reckless...
In a good way though. x
Crikey Gwen, your boss scares me....
Sad to hear you had such a rubbish day, I hope tomorrow goes better.
Speak to you soon xxx
Tomorrow will be better. Also - wanna watch the football on Sunday in London somewhere?
Mike xxx
Blimey, your boss sounds a bit of a dick. Still, think of it this way, the worse he is, the better the next one will seem...
Sorry, that comment sounded a bit cynical. But the smaller the organisation, the more scope your boss has to be an egotistical tosser, so it does get better.
After all, I am someone's boss now - what could be better than that?
He scares me too, and I can't see a way out of it.
Just fell asleep for five hours and had a warped dream about campfires and exam results. Also I missed the fucking match!
I suck, and my job sucks, and my boss sucks even more. There, enough self sympathy for today. xxxx
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