Bleeding shields and broken glass: Preheat your ovens to death!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Preheat your ovens to death!

- I'm getting used to being lonely and depressed and spending my time either revising or thinking I should be revising.
- I hate having six subjects to think about. I always manage to get to the end of the day not having done something really important.
- Gaby came round and drank tea with me today. I love her because she came to see me when I was feeling depressed and cheered me up. I hate her because she has a ticket to see the Kooks and a ticket for Reading and I don't.
- I love The Strokes. I've told you before and I will tell you again.
- Went to see American Dreamz. It's a very poor movie. Don't see it. It tried to be satirical and failed. However I love popcorn and I love Berengere. So I win.
- I feel slightly delirious. I have eaten alot of Toblerone and it is 3.34am.
- I'm not really sure what all these bullet points were in aid of.
- I am ashamed of myself for having watched all six episodes of Burnt Face Man this afternoon. It really is dreadful stuff. (With the exception of "calm down baby, have a piece of cheese.")
- 6 days until it all starts, 19 days until it all ends.
- Sorry for Tim-like length. He can pull it off, I can't.


At 8:26 am, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

Well you didn't do yourself any disgrace in trying. And revision isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Mike xxx

At 5:52 pm, Blogger Jackson said...

I have sex with children!

At 12:09 am, Blogger Sicily said...

Tascha: let's do something wonderful after exams. Or any time, come to think of it.

Damn those people with Kooks tickets. Kat & Lou are going too.


At 9:29 am, Blogger Jackson said...

I need no Kooks tickets, for secretly, I am a kook! Wait.

At 12:34 pm, Blogger Jackson said...

No, wait, I've got one.

In the robbery, we can use... Eddie's Gun!


At 11:24 pm, Blogger Sneaky Weasel said...

worst subliminal messaging ever.

At 5:42 pm, Blogger Jackson said...

"BY CALLING this number 24 hours a day."

That's a long time to call a number for.


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