On Thursday 4th May I get to vote. This is incredibly daunting. I do not feel any of the local mayor candidates are capable of representing me, least of all Robin Wales, a slimy Blairite miscreant who has even been involved in establishing an illegal police force called the 'community constabulary'. Having cost £1.4 million, the constabulary is now facing "allegations of unlawful stop and search, institutional racism and carrying of offensive weapons." Nice.
Click here for the gory details (and thanks to Jack for the tip-off.) My alternatives:
Tory - no chance.
Libdem - possible.
Respect - dubious, but the only candidate with a chance of winning (besides Wales).
Christian People's Alliance - HAHAHA no way.
And in other local news, there's been
a scandal over illegal ice cream trading on Green Street! Oh no! Ah, the wonders of the Newham Council webpage.
A very uneventful day. Ate too much chocolate and didn't revise enough. Consequently I feel both nervous and decadent.
Vote BNP - Like 8 out of ten people in Barking and 25% overall.
Mike xxx
I had a comment all lined up, but then I saw this:
And now my brain is dead.
Tom Cruise is possibly the most deranged, deluded celebrity ever.
Bet you can't wait for that long-awaited sequel, Mission Impossible 3, folks!
"Cruise also claimed he knew Holmes, 27, was pregnant even before she told him."
Yeah, and another spiritual phenomenon is that I knew Cruise had issues even before I found out he was a scientologist, and that he believes "one is composed of thousands of aliens from all over the universe fighting for control of your body". Oh Jesus...
It's his magic OT7 powers that allow him to detect babies using Xenu-rays without succumbing to the common cold.
Rightyo...although he has moments where he's not a dreadful actor. I thought he was ok in that one with the racing cars...Days Of Thunder? Either way, there was enough action to make his 'talent' bearable.
Mike xxx
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