Is she more beautiful than me?

I've been told (ordered) to hurry up and update my blog, and to document the ups and downs of life in the pharmaceutical business. My arduous but bearable job is mainly about sorting out painkillers, dealing with demanding elderly people and putting bottles of shampoo on shelves, so I won't bore you with all that. The most important thing is I have money, although unfortunately no one else does, so I don't have many opportunities to do reckless things with it. I have a (rather silly) prom dress. And plenty of cash. For a change. The downside is I'm exhausted from working and cycling, and don't really have alot of time on my hands. Or any energy.
Haven't really updated in a while. Mainly because I was sick of entries that just moaned on about all the sleeping and slacking I had been doing. And oh-no-what-if-I-fail-my-exams entries. And general tedious routine bullshit.
To be honest, though, life couldn't get much better at the moment. Work is a bit draining, but I feel completely liberated not having to rely on my parents, being able to do what I want without my day-to-day life being dependent on what kind of mood my mother is in and how financially generous she's feeling. It's sweet and sunny, and I went shopping on Sunday. I've fallen in love with my room, and finally got used to where all the furniture is so I don't have bruises all over my legs from tripping over things any more. My bed is wonderful, indulgent bliss. And my hours suit me just fine, so I can lie in all morning, and still catch the sunshine in the evening. I'm just waiting around for exam results, when everything will come crashing down all around me. Somewhere, though, there's a glimmer of hope that it might just about stay in place. Unstable, but holding together somehow.
My sister's letter was in the Guardian today. And it was pretty good.
This weekend is my grandparents' diamond wedding anniversary. The concept of staying together with someone for 60 years terrifies me. I don't know how they managed it. The weekend could be anything from pretty good fun actually to a total nightmare. Overall, though, there will simply be too many blood relatives in the same room. It's an accident waiting to happen.
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I love Chelmsford swimming pool.
Well I've got some cash to burn if you have time to spare for me...
Mike xxx
And on the terms of the letter I'm not even going to pretend that I understand any of it.
Mike xxx
Haha! that Bunting woman got pwned!
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