Bleeding shields and broken glass: continued.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


i have watched amélie, like, eight times since i arrived here.
i need to sort that.


At 12:45 am, Blogger deneb said...

i won´t recomend a site, but a movie..

If u liked amelie, i guess you would like too Iron 3, the Korean one

just guessing..

greetings from Madrid

At 11:27 am, Blogger Sneaky Weasel said...

Blimey Gwen! you got yourself a little fan club here!

i shall have to read your blog over and discover its fantasmigal and splendiferous wonders...

peace. Liam

At 5:53 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

i don't know these people. who are they? what do they want? how do they know me? i am not interested in drinking water filtration systems. i only just arrived home, and randomers are spamming my blog. this is not fair. tell them to leave.

At 10:28 am, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

Another randomer. How are we all doing? Anyone miss me? If anyone wants to read about nothing in particular...pick up a newspaper (see, I can be political)

See you all around guys.


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