Bleeding shields and broken glass: riding through the city with a SHOT GUN

Monday, July 25, 2005

riding through the city with a SHOT GUN

what the fuck is happening to a our supposedly NON ARMED police force??? they appear to be mistakenedly going around in plain clothes shooting someone 5 times in the head. holy shit. they wonder why the chap ran away.... i would if some crazy random guy, with no evidence of the fact that he was a policeman on him, leapt towards me brandishing a machine gun!

"anti terror laws" seems to a bit of a euphemism for "totalitarian militarist bullshit" allowing the police to shoot and kill exactly whoever they feel like.

anyway on a lighter note, hello. i'm back on the continent up a mountain dans la belle france avec ma famille et mon chat. given that felicity is in fact female i would use the feminin form and call her ma chatte, but unfortunately this is french slang for something else. so there.

i'm off now. cheerio.


At 4:18 am, Blogger Angus said...

Just wanted to say hi. We're the only two people in all of Bloggerdom who have turpitude as an interest. Thought it important for us to be in touch...

BTW, I hear beauty salons are going out of business left and right over there, now that cops are doing Brazilians for free...


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