Bleeding shields and broken glass: penguin penguin penguin

Sunday, July 17, 2005

penguin penguin penguin

it's been far too long for this.
greetings all.
i have returned.
what a depressing weekend. all i've done is work, procrastinate and eat cherries. and lonesome lines from 'a midsummer night's etc' keep reverberating in my head.
and my head hurts. and my room's a mess.
not much has changed dear billy goats.
not that anyone is actually reading this. you all gave up on me a long time ago.
i hate the IB. i hate work. i feel drained. someone has worn me for ages without looking after me and now i'm stretched and faded and inside out.
and patched and torn.
the heat is suffocating me.
jesus christ, i hear you mumble. a week before the holidays and she's fucking miserable.
OOOOOhhhh crazy summer holidays of heat and parents and extended essay and maths and physics and anguish.
nor doth this wood lack worlds of company because you in my respect are all the world...
france definetly lacks worlds of company.
i still can't spell definitely.
there are still freckles on my nose.
this blog still doesn't make much sense.
and noone reads it.


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