Bleeding shields and broken glass: "life is better than death, i believe, if only because it is less boring and because it has fresh peaches in it"

Thursday, August 04, 2005

"life is better than death, i believe, if only because it is less boring and because it has fresh peaches in it"

i just ate seven peaches in a row. oooooh. i feel a bit sick.
only just got the keyboard back, my mother decided to "confiscate" it for a few days.

haven't really been doing much, besides eating peaches and watching french daytime tv. i watched amélie yesterday. **sans toi, les émotions d'aujourd'hui ne seraient que la peau morte des émotions d'autrefois.**

it's so crushingly quiet here. i feel very very lonely. there's this constant tension between me and my mother. i miss london. i miss chaos and disorder. it's eerie and monotonous and empty. there's no one around to shape my time, so my days have lapsed into a cycle of eating, sleeping and reading... but mostly sleeping. today i woke up at 2pm. yesterday i slept until 3. "three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do", as sartre would say. maybe i should become a hardcore existentialist and set off on a crazy life journey, making up my own morals as i go along....

...or maybe i'll just eat some more peaches.

last words are for fools who haven't said enough.


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