Bleeding shields and broken glass: this is saturday's entry, i just forgot to post it

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

this is saturday's entry, i just forgot to post it

jesus fucking christ. chaos, endless exasperating chaos.
ok, so here’s what happened, in the present tense, streets-stylee. we went along to some lame quiz night at my mother’s primary school. my uncle was already a bit pissed at this point, down from scotland for the weekend. of course, the only way my dad could entertain his brother in true scottish conduct was to dink several pints. so, my dad is completely sober on three pints. duncan, on the other hand is pretty damn pissed. so then we’re sitting down answering questions for, like, three hours, eating peanuts and everyone is sinking into copious quantities of red wine. then suddenly duncan is completely paralytic, and lurching around into these randomers halfway through the quiz. so my parents get slightly humiliated by this, and move him onto their table. duncan sits down, and settles for water for about 5 minutes. my parents are relieved. then he turns suddenly to my dad and asks in a genuinely perplexed voice “are you scottish?”. my dad thinks he is making some drunken enquiry as to whether my dad has “betrayed scotland” in engaging in english culture, and starts to laugh. it then sinks in that actually duncan sincerely is unable to recognise his own brother.

i got a lift home with angie, in order to avoid my parents, who are pretty tipsy as well by now. went upstairs with my brother, and we were just having a heated argument about his pathetic doping lifestyle when there’s some mental commotion downstairs, and 4 drunken people are carrying duncan through the hall and they all trip over the bikes and are on the floor and there’s all this blood from duncan’s head. apparently geoff (another randomer from the quiz) had held out his hand to shake my dad’s and my dad had reached out, letting go of duncan who then is unconscious and crashes to the floor, and you can hear his head thud on the concrete. holy fucking shit.

so then we went up to the dodgiest pub to see my sister, folded several thousand paper napkins to get her off her shift early, and then at home she’s in floods of tears, and my brother, now semi-stoned, condescending, and frankly a fucking stirrer, is churning out a load of shite about life, and drugs and my sister.

an enthralling friday night…


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