Bleeding shields and broken glass: i see 2p coins before my eyes...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

i see 2p coins before my eyes...

the fucking memory stick isn't working. so no rules for now. however, a certain member of the corner cult, namely tim, is breaking one of the rules. it clearly states that "your diary input cannot solely be religious or political propaganda, even if it is fashionably lefty". i could easily exclude tim from the competition. but then again, he would be pretty pissed of (especially as i have indeed spent all the money..) anyway, a fairly uneventful day. WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE COMPLAIN AT HAVING ONE DAY IN THE WHOLE CYCLE WITH 5 LESSONS?? FUCKING ATTENTION SEEKERS. try taking higher maths and physics. according to michael gardiner one maths lesson equals two. ditto physics. (not sure how that works. but anyway..) THAT MEANS YESTERDAY I HAD 9 LESSONS IN A DAY. stop moaning, suckers.

wow, just spent half of period 5 counting tsunami money. i hate counting money that isn;t mine, but i am hoping to use the situation to my advantage, meaning i am going to gain exaggerated CAS hours for it. aaa i see 2p coins floating in front of my eyes, take them away.

the battle for head boy/girl continues. haven't decided who i'm voting for, am currently looking for an antidote to the paul/phil crisis by voting for someone completely different... haven't yet decided who. can't be fucked with speeches and all that kerfuffle myself, have neither the time nor the energy, nor the all powerful chav support.

hmmm. vote henry everybody. and donate to my bloc party ticket fund s.v.p.

cheers everybody. happy birthday phil.


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