Bleeding shields and broken glass: why on earth is paul presenting the tsunami concert?! he'll scare people away!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

why on earth is paul presenting the tsunami concert?! he'll scare people away!

i was just sitting there and yelena came and said "have you seen christine?" only it sounded more like "have you got 16p?" and then tascha just goes "yeah, i have 16p", and then she FUCKING TOOK EXACTLY 16P OUT OF HER POCKET AND GAVE IT TO ME! wow! doesn't she just rock?!
PSE. i think it fucking stands for pointless shit... and then something beginning with e. i haven't found out what yet. but it was SHIT. we spent a whole hour writing down the things that worry us. well, mine would honestly be:
- that the education system is getting so ridiculous they have to spend 3 hours a cycle teaching us.. no, not even teaching us, but INDOCTRINATING US with pointless bullshit.
-that the female teacher subtlely resembled a zombie.
-that henry is bald

ha. i have nothing more to say for this post. je suis un loser. henry just ruined my metaphorical story by asking me the somewhat moronic question "couldn't she have just given you 20p?". THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT. THE POINT IS, IT WAS EXACTLY 16p. retard.

so. the end is nigh. au revoir.


At 9:12 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

i agree with theo that you have to be a sucker to post comments on your own site. but i would just like to express my sincere hope that the burnt gay face comment was not directed towards me. k thanx.

At 10:03 pm, Blogger Reid said...


It's "burnt shit gay face" I do believe.


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