Bleeding shields and broken glass: Eating blue Smarties 'cos she's rock'n'roll.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Eating blue Smarties 'cos she's rock'n'roll.

Just spent an hour and a half cooking dinner. This was apparently not good enough according to my mother, who complained that:
I hadn't used any garlic.
The plates weren't hot enough.
I hadn't put the salad servers on the table.
I hadn't wiped the surfaces.
I hadn't cooked any brocolli.
I hadn't cooked any Jerusalem artichokes.

She then proceeded to complain, and interrogate about:
My teachers.
How much work I'd been doing.
Why I didn't deserve any money.
Why I was going to fail the IB.

Marvellous. What a horrible horrible day. Couldn't face school because I'm sick of teachers wasting my time.

My eyes sting, my hair is horrible and my feet are cold.

On the bright side, I have cookies. And Graham Coxon is on the radio. Live.


At 9:05 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

That's a bugger - how could you NOT use the Jerusalem atrichokes?

Sounds as if you would have had more fun by coming to school - your prescence was indeed missed.

Mike xxx

At 9:38 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

More stable than ever, my darling. We should so meet up, I want gossip on Peter (that is his name, right?). Have you moved to Seven Kings?
Really missing our trips to Ilford cinema, etc.

At 11:24 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

*Waves* I'm trying. No one seems to appreciate my efforts.

And don't worry about the photos - just keep putting them on your blog and we can all compare your fantastic writing talents with her immense attractiveness. And yours.

Mike xxx


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