Mascara bleeds a blackened tear

The Physics lectures I went to today were actually fairly interesting. The first one was all about medical physics: ultrasound, the doppler effect, and the way waves are used to detect heart rate, and to track unborn and premature babies' blood flow through the brain. Then everyone filed outside and helped themselves to free crisps and apple juice. The second lecturer, half an hour late, showed us all these crazy clips of people skydiving in bright orange suits and squatting and swimming around idiotically in the air whilst plunging towards earth at 75mph. He briefly spoke of the dynamics involved, but seemed more enthusiastic to overuse his visual aids and plug the British Parachuting website. All in all a very engaging afternoon. Weirdly enough, Johanna didn't turn up........... spooky. It's not the sort of thing she would miss.
Afterwards I could have got a train from Euston Square, or Goodge Street, or Warren Street or something but there were rumours the tube wasn't working, so I went on a fairly pointless walk to King's Cross in the rain, just because I felt like walking. It was very pretty there somehow, dark and shiny and wet. I got on a random bus, which incidentally took me to Liverpool Street. Three trains an hour on Sunday. Irritating.
Cooked pasta, drank tea, had a hot shower. I feel sleepy now, and warm, and miserable that it's Sunday.
This is the last day of the last half term of my life.
P.S. Just heard the new Streets song: what has happened?? It's deeply irritating and has absolutely no rhyme or rhythm.
She didn't show? What on earth could've happened? It's not like she's particuarly lazy or unpunctual...maybe it's all that card-playing we've forced her to.
Mike xxx
Even me? *wipes happy tear from eye* I didn't think anyone cared. You could see me far more reguarly if you wanted to view my everyday bedroom antics through the power of webcam. It applies to all of you (viewing me, I mean).
Mike xxx
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