Simple but somehow impressive.

Mmmmm. Pancakes and honey and golden syrup and lemon and sugar. A very lazy decadent day. I've eaten enough calories for a week. Have decided to give up Marsbars and Limewire for Lent. Not that I'll actually manage it, but never mind. I'm not Catholic anyway.
Came home early and revised Othello in my room. Well, I helf revised Othello and half downloaded music. I'm blatantly going to fail my English Oral. Othello just doesn't interest me much, it's nothing compared to Hamlet or Macbeth. Or maybe Ms Gargen is just shit. Seems more likely, all she does is mumble about her wild carefree days in South Africa where all she did was drink black coffee, and then let us go halfway through the lesson because she's run out of things to say. She's nice. But not inspiring.
It's Tuesday, and already my bedroom is a total mess. I tidied it less than 48 hours ago, but there are clothes strewn across the floor, books is heaps everywhere and five mugs on my desk. The mug situation is seriously getting out of hand: I either need to stop drinking tea, or start taking them downstairs. Preferably the latter.
Yesterday Mr Rudall and I had a long conversation about movies, Jake Gyllehaal, Ken Livingstone, Ms Warren, recorders, shoes and The Mystery Jets, amongst other things. My cello lesson is the highlight of the week sometimes.
And on Saturday I went to a ball. A proper dancy, floaty-dress type ball in a lovely venue, with lots of people I love but don't see often enough. It was good fun. I deeply regret not staying in Newham sometimes. In fact most of the time. My orchestra friends are the only people who have been stable in my life for ten years...
(Too bad Johnathan Loh's irritating friend tried to chat me up.)
Wooo - golden syrup on panckaes. Legendary.
And also - someone else is doing a Lent thing as well :-D.
Was his mate as crap as me at the chatting you up thing?
Mike xxx
Fuck off, not all of us have to get drunk in Chelmsford to have fun.
And don't call me 'sausage'.
Blatantly the school prom is going to be a sleazy drunken Chav event, featuring bad R'n'B music and tasteless clothing.
(Still can't believe I paid £45 for it. DAMN.)
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