Bleeding shields and broken glass: A pint: that's very nearly an armful!

Monday, February 06, 2006

A pint: that's very nearly an armful!

And so, I bring you this blog entry with 475ml less blood inside me.

There's really nothing invigorating about giving blood, even if you reassure yourself of all the dangerously ill people you are saving. To be honest it was quite terrifying. There was quite a long queue of people to begin with, and I had to wait for twenty minutes before anyone noticed I was there. Then there were long forms to fill out asking me whether I had had any diseases, whether I had slept with anyone who had any diseases, and whether I had slept with anyone who had slept with anyone who had had any disease, whether I had visited places where there is alot of AIDs or malaria, whether I had had any tattoos, got any piercings, taken any medication, had unprotected sex, was secretly pregnant, was breastfeeding, had had sex for money or drugs, had shared needles, etc etc etc. Then they asked me all these questions again. Twice. Then I waited a bit longer. Then they asked me some more questions and took a jab from my finger. Then they told me I may be slightly anaemic and they had to take a proper blood test. Then they took a blood test to see how much iron I had in me: you needed 125 to pass, and I had 126 so I hadn't been completely wasting my time. Then I lay down and my blood ran into a plastic container for around ten minutes. Afterwards I felt faint so they raised my legs and put a wet cloth on my face for ages. Finally I was given custard creams and orange squash.

It was quite an adventure. Though they denied me of a 'I gave blood today' sticker. Tried to exploit the giving blood thing to persuade my mother to buy me Haribo/chocolate milk/ice cream/Coca Cola, but she wasn't having any of it: offered me curly cale and liver pate instead.

Apart from that, an uneventful day, and an uneventful weekend. Watched 'Walk The Line' on Saturday, which was marvellous. It's nice to see Reese Witherspoon actually acting. Revised and abridged my TK essay, it's still over the wordcount. Avoided doing anything vaguely connected to vectors. Read. Slept. Ate branflakes.

Can't wait can't wait can't wait for Friday......


At 10:58 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

Sorry. Would have invited you but I went with my mum. I don't think you two would have got on. Though you did once share an exciting journey back from Ingatestone together...

Ah, happy memories.

Do you want to come and see Casanova when it comes out? Much sex and swordfighting, it must be good.

At 12:04 am, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

I'm very much up for seeing 'Walk The Line'. I mean...if me wanting to sit down and watch 'Serenity' with you isn't too much to ask...

(You still have friends, Berengere, no need to worry)

Also - did you not get paid for your donation? Thatcher's Britain, that...(Tim might be able to justify that - I just heard the phrase somewhere)

Mike xxx

P.S. Great reference for the title. Hancock is a legend.

At 2:58 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

Of course you don't get paid. Thankfully we don't operate a disgusting mercenary blood market in the UK like they have in America.

P.S. "I didn't come here to be insulted by a legalised vampire!"

At 10:55 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

I am going to escape from school/the IB/reality to my grandparents' for five precious days.
We are so going to that movie. High Five!

At 9:15 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

Oooo - can I be the driver for the accident...although you'd have to answer questions as to why on earth you'd enter a car with me behind the wheel....

Mike xxx

At 3:35 pm, Blogger woodscolt said...

Kale is spelled with a k. That's a kicking kuh, not a curly cuh.


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