Bleeding shields and broken glass: So all that's left...

Friday, January 27, 2006

So all that's left... the proof that love's not only blind but deaf.

Two very good things happened today:
1. I bought a purple hoody.
2. I got tickets to see The Rakes.

"The Rakes?" my mum said, "are you sure they're not morally depraved?". My dad said "They could be called The Fluffy Angels and be morally depraved". He then got the Chambers Dictionary out to show me that the definition of "rake" was "a debauched or dissolute person".
"I think they mean garden forks" I said.

Wanted to see The Ordinary Boys but tickets have sold out and are over £50 on Ebay. Bloody Big Brother.

All I ate all day was:
1 apple
1 orange
sausage roll
1 apple juice
2 marbars
1 packet of jelly babies
Chinese takeaway

I don't think I'll live for much longer. I have eaten at least one Marsbar every day for the last week.

I went to Boots in Romford, and my bag cut into my shoulder as I traipsed home in my battered green pumps. As I reached my road it started to snow. It wouldn't set, but it was a beautiful moment, watching the flakes illuminated under the dim orange street lamps. Fragile.

Tomorrow I am going to meet Tony Benn. Now he beats The Rakes any day, he's about as far away from debauchery as one can get...
P.S. No one tell Katrina about The Rakes. It's a surprise.
P.P.S. Five thousand hits!!!


At 2:53 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play - that's not going to kill you. And you still ate and drank a healthy amount - more than me.

And I didn't know that about the word 'rake'. You learn something new with your blog, impressive.

Mike xxx

At 11:30 pm, Blogger weierstrass said...

the incident being: you got very drunk on friday afternoon.. i'm sure no one minded. and how the fuck were theo/phil bloomfield involved??
i love you tascha.

At 3:57 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

by the way that was me posting that comment, not my brother. bloody automatic logins again...


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