Bleeding shields and broken glass: Don't tell us that the world is lemon-scented.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Don't tell us that the world is lemon-scented.

Eleven things that are very overated:
1. Smoking
2. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
3. The IB
4. The OC
5. The NME
6. Alex Turner
7. Red Bull
8. Pete Doherty/Kate Moss
9. The Olympic Games
10. Converse/Nike
11. Straight Hair

Eleven things that definitely aren't overated:
1. Central heating
2. We Are Scientists
3. Three day weekends
4. Preston (well, maybe just a bit then)
5. London
6. Blood oranges, peaches, carrots
7. Sleep
8. Illegal downloading
9. Noise, chaos, destruction
10. Scarlet Johansson
11. First Impressions of Earth

Frighten me, enlighten me, oh oh.


At 7:04 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

That's a pretty good list, must point out I totally agree with The Converse and the straight hair thing. Also the OC - that show's not as awesome as everyone keeps saying.

Mike xxx

At 12:06 am, Blogger Sneaky Weasel said...

red bull=good
straight hair=good
nike=good(but only if worn tastefully i.e when i wear it ^_^)

and what the begeezus is clap your hands say yeah?


At 8:43 am, Blogger Tim said...

American Indie band that won a BBC award for something or other, and have an awful lead singer.
And straight hair is wonderful, uninteresting, but wonderful.

At 7:06 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

berengere: possibly the longest comment ever!
tim: actually it's not straight hair that i object to, it's hair-straightening and people who can't appreciate curls.
liam: those things may be good, but the point is, they're not THAT good!

At 1:14 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

1. I'm not obsessed by straight hair - it's all good.

2. You said 'length competition' - I'm not gonna stop laughing for a while.

Mike xxx

At 5:53 pm, Blogger Sicily said...

haha can't believe berengere responded to every single thing i wrote!!

At 8:26 am, Blogger Sicily said...

what the fuck is the official corner list?


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