Bleeding shields and broken glass: Staring through a thousand dead eyes.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Staring through a thousand dead eyes.

Three years today. More than 30,000 civilian deaths.

"The conflict in Iraq is illegal, immoral and unwinnable. We must set a date for final withdrawal, evacuating all our troops and liberating the Iraqi people without foreign bases left in their midst." - Tony Benn

Wracked with guilt that I wasn't there on Saturday.

It seems horribly wrong to follow that with trivial trash about my long, wasted day. I ate and walked and wrote and slept. Nine more days of school, I'm trembling already. No cello lesson, so my Monday evening dragged on for just a bit longer. CAS is a living nightmare. Physics is beyond a joke. I've no time to think, or sleep, but time to waste and fail. Devastating.

My sister has a new job. I remember that library as huge, high and stately, lined to the ceiling, a beautiful, redbricked haven, but today it just seemed shabby and deflated. Yet another childhood illusion crumbles away.


At 11:02 pm, Blogger 'McGuinness said...

The illusion may go but the memory remains.

Power on through, my dear, and at the end we can relax in the evening sun.

Mike xxx


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