My only comfort is the night gone black.

Just recieved a letter from Queen Mary College, saying 'Thank you for attending an interview and Open Day on 18th January 2006. I am pleased to inform you that you will soon be recieving details of a conditional offer."
Seeing as I didn't actually attend an interview on 18th January, and nor did I even tell them I couldn't be bothered to go, this comes as somewhat of a surprise, and just proves that the whole interview process is a waste of everybody's time.
Not that I particularly want to go to Queen Mary or anything.
Today was a rather hazy day, tense and frustrating, and it's been raining and raining this horrible, soggy, soul-drenching drizzle for hours. My brain seems to be working a lot slower than usual, and my concentration comes and goes, and I'm so incredibly weary and it's only Wednesday. Perhaps it's that dreadful Fairtrade wine that I tasted at the conference yesterday, which by the way was actually fairly enjoyable (the conference, not the wine): especially the chocolate cake. Although drinking smoothies and watching M*A*S*H at Phil's house was more fun. (SO should have been working last night...)
Seriously wish I still had some sort of motivation left in me. Jesus, it's hard enough waking up in the morning, understanding physics and even finding a Cowboy/Indian costume for Becky's party, let alone all these exams and this staggering commotion. In my questionnaire (if you can call it that, it was more like a confusing mess of numbers, badly phrased questions and irritating pedantry) I described the IB as 'horrible, oppressive, undervalued, scarcely understood, illogical and badly structured'. Sadly I got so bored of rating every aspect of my school using a complex numerical system that I ended up desperately filling in random numbers, so that my criticism probably dramatically contradicts the rest of it. What a waste of time.
Things that have annoyed me today: the holes in my tights, Bridget's control-freakery, Tasch being evasive, Henry being defensive, the train, rain, this horrible strain....
Uptight, aren't I?
Songs with good intros: Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight, Edith Piaf - La Foule, Garbage - Stupid Girl and The Libertines - Death On The Stairs.
The Strokes were AWESOME on radio 1, and I love the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs song. Yes. That's about it.
P.S. Reporter: Are you off drugs yet?
Pete Doherty: What sort of a question is that on a Tuesday morning?
Save Tonight is fantastic. It'll be the song of choice next time you hitch a ride.
And yeh - the fairtrade group are pissing around. Cristofides is gonna influence Charlie to make it a stupidly funny video than anything remotely meaningful. Bastards.
Mike xxx
If all I have to do is ask...well this friendship's about to get physical :-P
Mike xxx
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