love steals us from loneliness...
i love this weekend, it's the best weekend of the year. full of anticipation, but without the stress and strain of christmas. the calm before the storm. where work and school and pain is finally receding. and to be honest i prefer preparing for christmas than actually celebrating it... although i love my family i never particularly look forward to being stuck inside the house for three days watching them get drunk.
i went christmas shopping with my brother yesterday. i am so broke that no one would actually have had any presents from me had my brother not lent me a generous sum of money from his student loan. nice. someday i shall have to pay him back out of my student loan.
sarah's party was pretty damn good. although it seems that either no one got drunk or everyone had long recovered by the time i arrived... i guess i was just too busy watching the x factor and strictly come dancing along with 20 million other people, poor sad little me. happy birthday sarah, glad you liked the card, i spent ages on it. i know now that if i don't make university i can drop out and make birthday cards for a living.
this site has beautiful photos.
i hope katrina is better.
and my love of garden state seems to have lead to emotional dependency.
i have to give it back tomorrow...

Yeh, you do owe it back well as the Embrace CD (I hope you listened to it because it really is good, regardless of what you think of the band).
Mike xxx
yeah you'll get both back tomorrow, don't panic (in the words of coldplay, who are incidentally on the garden state soundtrack).
i did listen to the cd. regardless of what i think of the band it was a bit shit. there was one good song on it though. what were they like live?
watched the dvd five times. :-D
Well I thought they were really awesome live, but then they are my first gig so I don't have much to go on. He seemed to command the crowd well enough and they didn't lose any sound from their songs in playing live rather than a studio.
But cool - I didn't actually expect you to listen to it. Muchas Impressido.
Thanks for returning them :-)
Mike xxx
stfu, coldplay are fucking awesome.
'Do you know how I know you're gay? You like Coldplay' - 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN
But I agree with Tasch here - Parachutes is teh awesome. I was listening to it once again today - it owns me, more so even than...well not as much as Definitely Maybe, but it's up there.
Their other stuff is meh.
Mike xxx
Coldplay is AWESOME!
holy fuck! best spam EVER. 10/10 for effort.
I hated coldplay once, hated them for being weak and whiney, but then i heard 'talk'. at first i made up excuses: "it sounds like something else i like" or "its a good video", but then i finally came to realise, the inevitable truth.......coldplay are...good. you cant fight it, *freaky stare* join us.....join us!
ciao x
I do have to agree with Liam there - that's an excellent spam promotion. And how long is it since there's been one of them? I wish I had some comments...
Mike xxx
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