here are the things i could be doing instead of writing my extended essay
-tying my shoelaces.
-falling in love.
-eating tuna mayonnaise.
-smashing things in time to the yeah yeah yeahs.
-going outside wearing far too little clothing.
-having a hot, hot shower.
-walking over the creaky floorboard in my room again and again.
-boiling eggs.
-painting in orange and green.
-phoning my sister.
-buying someone flowers.
-adjusting my watch to greek time.
-reciting shakespeare.
-watching hollyoaks.
-frying chicken, and then eating chicken.
-writing a letter to someone i love but haven't seen in months.
-getting drunk.
-watching music videos.
-making interesting things out of silver paper and feathers.
-being nice to my cat.
-rearranging all my books into alphabetic order.
-sticking things on my wall.
-looking for my graphical calculator. or my library books.
i discovered this morning how heavenly cornflakes are. i could live on cornflakes. and other orange things like mangoes and mini cheddars. and other things beginning with 'm' like muffins and melon.
as you can tell, i am ridiculously hungry today.
maths felt strangely subdued without tim and joao. typical, to abandon us learning about vectors while they get drunk in strasbourg. at least today i have finally finished my ToK presentation. and i got sixteen out of twenty! not back for a disgustingly last minute piece of work.
i have reached the firm conclusion that my life has no purpose or meaning.
i am going to write my extended essay, eat dinner, hoover my room and then read the political writings of william morris.
i knew a girl at school called pandora. never got to see her box though.
If we're going to delve into Notting Hill quotes can I please be invited. I love that film for some reason, probably because that Ronan Keating song was my anthem in year 6, along with Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden...what a summer it really was :-)
Mike xxx
ronan keating is quite clearly the only reason NOT to love that film.
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