the sun won't swallow the sky... (hopefully)

and on sunday i came disturbingly close to quitting the anglo, quitting the ib, starting afresh, stabbing myself in the back, shooting myself in the foot. i hurt from working and worrying, i have an interview on thursday for somewhere i'll never get into. and worst of all if i don't get in there i have to live with my parents for another three years. in all honesty i couldn't give a fuck about the *oxbridge experience*, i'm just trying to escape from my parents. also i'm trying to create some sort of a life plan based on the fact that i am about to fail the IB. i could do any one of the following:
-go abroad and study in france for a while.
-forget about the whole uni thing, just get a monotonous nine-to-five job (preferably in the co-op, in true ex-anglo style) and indulge in academic freedom.
-commit suicide.
-retake the whole of my secondary education. or possibly just the last bit. at some point in the past i was a fairly successful, intelligent person. i have come to the conclusion that GCSEs are actually pointless. getting 10 a*s has not given me any advantage whatsoever in life. in fact in retrospect i wish i'd done less work.
damn. yet another component of my life that i have misinterpreted and then fucked up.
and why did everyone go to see franz ferdinand except me? actually my bitterness evaporated quickly when tim presented me with a beautiful franz ferdinand badge which i shall treasure. and also berengere told me that despite franz being her favorite band, the gig actually wasn't everything. i love you berengere. (though for many other reasons beside the franz ferdinand thing. i love the way your hair is curly then straight but always looks stunning. i love getting wasted with you (jesus i miss that) and i love the way you hug me better than anyone else. i'll stop now before this starts to sound reminiscent of mj. disturbing thought.)
anyway. my life is like a rubber duck. one that drifts down, then floats, then sinks below the surface again. what a bizarre analogy.
strange how fresh blood runs so stale.
perhaps i'll leave you in peace now.
(feel my lips undress your eyes...)
1. Please for the love of god don't commit suicide.
2. Im no good at actual, useful advice so point 1. will have to do, sorry.
3. I didnt go and see franz either so, yeah, go team! or summink...
4.cheer up! (easier said than done but the sentiment stands)
ciao x
wow! compliments galore!
in all honesty i'm probably not as depressed as i make out, it's just the nature of blogs means i'm obliged to fill mine with angsty, teenage, preachy garbage. sorry guys!
go team! a highly underused phrase.
and yes, i'm been off drink for three months now, but fuck that. let's get wasted!
No need just for the angst...perviness is also good...yes?
Mike xxx
shut up.
the analogy was strange but works so terribly well.
Perviness or Angst?
'Did Tubbs do right?'
Mike xxx
All of your friends will always tell you not to commit suicide.
But me, I'll simply ask politely. Please don't do that, because I'll be upset and so will lots of other people.
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