Bleeding shields and broken glass: BASTARDS! BASTARDS! BASTARDS!

Monday, March 07, 2005


what the fucking fuck! they have fucking filtered fucking blogspot! what a fucking fucked up disgrace! terrible! my life is in ruins! what the fuck am i going to do in all my free lessons from now on? do theye seriously think this will make me do some WORK?! this is fucking ridiculous!

just realised i have used the word fuck 8 times since the beginning of this entry. well, 9 now actually. maybe i should calm down. still haven't completed any of my three essays, still depressed and tired and living in a shithole of a room. but one thing has changed. i have the kaiser chiefs' album! well halleluyah! s'very good actually. and very catchy compared to the slightly dull 'silent alarm'. but anyway i am starting to sound slightly NME like and i don't particularly want to turn this page into a pretentious music-review site.

it was a good day anyway. started out shite and depressing and tedious, as most of the school were either on the [lame] economics trip or the [insane] kaiser chiefs trip or just skiving. but after period 4 me and berengere and ben and theo departed on our rrrrrrrrandom trip to HMV... didn't really do much, just bought the [limited edition] albums, went to starbucks, then played a HILARIOUS if slightly immature joke on katrina and louise and tascha and stalked them for a bit until they got freaked out. then i returned home, went to my cello lesson, got home, ate some potatoes, listened to the kaisers, played the cello a bit more, and then went online.

the party starts here. well, it doesn't actually as noone is online. i guess ben is still out . ditto tascha. don't know where the fuck all of my other internet buddies are though... 'cept reid. hey reid. post some comments.

fuck, fuck, fuck no one will ever read my blog again because of the fucking anglo filtering system. bastards.

and that brings my exclusive 'fuck' count in this entry to a grand total of 13.

seeya buddies.


At 10:02 pm, Blogger Reid said...

Nobody is online?!

Fine. FINE. I know how much i'm valued HERE. I'm leaving.


*comes back*

I forgot my hat.


At 7:44 am, Blogger Tim said...

They've filtered the blogs!?


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