sore and disillusioned
i know, i know. i haven't updated my blog in too long again. but i have legitimate excuses this time, predominantly the fact that i am sick, and i've been on holiday, and unfortunately the enthusiasm that everyone had previously for this competition seems to have sizzled away, in fact some people haven't updated their blogs since JANUARY. pathetic. well, it was an easy way to get £20 either way. i don't think anyone is still updating, except maybe berengere, as ben is on holiday, hence could be evicted from this competition, and everyone else has given up, out of boredom or laziness or something. anyway, i know you won't want to hear a tedious update of my *shit* competition (as theo so kindly labelled it), so i'll shut up and talk about something else.
hmmm. i am ill, my throat burns and my nose runs and i am shaky and weak. i blame katrina (of course), as we did share a drink of tropicana together when she was ill last week. although this is slightly (well, incredibly then) unfair as she did warn me in advance of her evil bug, but i took the risk and now am regretting it. my cross-country walk out in the cold with natascha and michael yesterday made it worse of course, and now my mother was pretty damn annoyed that i am "ill enough to escape cooking the dinner but well enough to go out to the bloody cinema". wel, of course i am, mother dear. did you really think i would appoach a trip to see SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS - THE MOVIE with the same lack of enthusiasm as cooking fish and potatoes for my parents?! although admittedly i probably sounded a lot worse than i looked yesterday. haha that's the good thing about losing one's voice. useful in gaining sympathy...
pembrokeshire was disappointing. i was looking forward to a weekend of unlimited food, drink and tv. i did get that, but tv is SO shit! nothing of ANY interest or merit on all weekend, apart from never mind the buzzcocks, which i fucking missed! typical! saturday night tv is the worst - only dreadful movies and trashy shows like "stars in their eyes", which noow isn;t even hosted by the irrittating man in the beard but by the apalling cat deeley - she looks like a whore, she acts like a whore! in fact she IS a whore! important new discovery.
although i did watch the blue brothers which i declare to be the official best movie ever. no buts, no ifs. jake and elwood rock.
my dad made my lunch today! wow! he has never ever made my lunch for me in the last 11 years of my education! huge peak of fatherly love! an apple, a banana, and cheese and pickle snadwiches! pure heaven! yes, i understand that perhaps i am overreacting, but it indeed a breakthrough! normally he doesn't actually get out of bed until 11.30, then works for an hour, has a fry-up and spends the rest of the day in the pub... oh the blissful life of an *academic* as people like to call him.
i might go now. my life is so uninteresting that i won't keep you any longer.
post some sympathy comments, suckers.
"post some sympathy comments" -- Maybe you would have got one had you not made me ill....then laughed. Meh, all the best for the holidays in any case.
That is all.
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