Bleeding shields and broken glass: the blog is working

Thursday, January 20, 2005

the blog is working

there are currently only three people in the competition - but have amusingly managed to get money off seven people - so four were clearly ripped off. tim is a potential threat - was hoping me and theo could share the money and get drunk, but tim is clearly not allowing this.

it is period one, i am having difficulty staying awake as i stayed over late at my sister's yesterday. it was a comfortable relief not to be awoken at 6am by my mother shouting at my dad/my brother/me/herself about drunken-ness/drugs/how to cook brocolli/ who didn't put the dishwasher on yesterday/ why she hates this house and will file for a divorce/ the hopelessness of the global situation etc. much as i find my mother amusing i am not interested in anything other than sleep before 7.15.

can't be fucked writing any more, my life is actually intensely boring, hence the meaningless ranting.

hahaha, keep an eye on people who forget to sign out of blogspot, then you can secretly edit their diary entries...

oh by the way, here are the blogs that are online and working : ---> tim. actually no, not tim - a history of conservative politics. --- > the "Paul Wells is God" site. --- > more random paul wells shite, actually described by theo himself as "total bollocks". no, really, it's good. ---> ben's "improved" site. ---> ben's "shit" site. ---> berengere, who is scarily going to win, although hasn't paid yet... ---> yes, tasch is a genius, although i have no idea if this is working yet. ---> don't ask, it's something to do with michael and/or ben.

that's all folks.


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